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most studies have shown that casino gambling may be correlated with the following social deviations: domestic violence, divorce, bankruptcy, drug and alcohol abuse, risky or illicit sexual behavior (especially prostitution), and problem gambling. Texan Decks were first printed in 1889 by Russel, Morgan & Co. in Cincinnati. All the elements of the English standard are present including many of the features we take for granted today, such as round corners and diametrically set corner side indices. The pattern here strikes an elegant balance and an attractive array of English court cards. The brand went out of print for more than 80 years but was more recently revived by the United States Playing Card Co. Texan 1889's are now published on high quality linen embossed paper, slightly tinted to give them that 'antique' look. The deck slides and handles well and is held in respectable esteem by card enthusiasts and sleight of hand professionals. Whereas betting systems are ess...